History of Cranial Work: Dr Sutherland, Et al.
Scientific Foundations of Cranial Work
The Tides and Dynamic Stillness
Role of Resourcing
How to Create a Safe Holding Field, Why the Relational Field is of Utter Importance
Ritual of Contact
Sacral Hold
Working with Trauma in Self and Others, a Physiological Orientation
Accessing Felt Resource Beginning Practitioner Verbal Skills
Orienting to Mid-line & Biosphere, Establishing a Safe Holding Environment
Establishing a Wide Perceptual Field; Listening from Neutral Being State
Mid-tide / fluid tide Session Orientation For Embodiment and Grounding
Skills for Self-Regulation
Energetic Space: Negotiating The Relational Field, Practitioner Fulcrums
Orienting to The Health / Primary Respiration with Becker Hold = Demo
Demo of Sutherland’s Vault Hold
Hand over Hand support from Teaching Team clarifying, naming Tides
The Holistic Shift & Inherent Treatment Plan Review
Cranial Bowl Motility: Flower Opening as Franklyn Sills Teaches
Orienting to SBJ as Automatic Shifting Fulcrum
Temporal, Sacrum, and Ilium Bone Anatomy and Movement in the Midtide
Temporal, Sacrum, and Ilium Holds
Parietal and Frontal Bone Anatomy and Movement in the Midtide
Parietal and Frontal Bone Holds
Demo of Integration Hold / Sacro-Occipital Hold
Inhalation and Exhalation Stillpoints
Occiput and Sacrum = Inhalation Stillpoint & Exhalation Stillpoint
Deepening verbal and trauma skills
Introduction to Embryological foundations: Mesenchyme & tissue formation
Mid-Tide/Long Tide perceptual exercises
Introduction to the Inherent Treatment Plan: States of Balance & Systemic Neutra
Emotional Regulation Skills: Space, Love, Resourcing, Slowing Down, Orienting to The HEALTH in Self
Reciprocal Tension Membrane Anatomy & Motility
Sutherland’s fulcrum
Automatic Shifting Natural Fulcrums: Lighthouse Signals to the Body
Embryology: Conception – 4 weeks
Introduction to Inertial Fulcrums
How We Work In the Midtide With Inertial Fulcrums Via the Inherent Treatment Plan
Review of Fulcrums, Force Vectors
Augmenting Space at Sutures
Augmenting Fluid Skill
Trauma and the Triune Nervous System Skills
How we Help Trauma
Demo working with Hyper and Hypo Arousal
Compression of the 4th Ventricle, and Expansion of the 4th Ventricle/ Inhalation and Exhalation Stillpoints for Hyper and Hypo Arousal
States Of Balance Overview
Stress Response and Verbal Skills
Trauma Skills Working with Hyper and Hypo Arousal
Exhalation Stillpoint as A Gateway to Dynamic Stillness
Taking a Case History With Your Clients
Cranial Nerves I- XII
Intro To Cranial Base Physiological Strain Patterns
SBJ as an Automatic Shifting Fulcrum
Augmentation of Space Within the SBJ
Intro to Birth Dynamics, Stages and Patterns Of Motion
Demo of Listening From the Vault with Lots of Space
Course Review
Embryology of the Midline
Introduction to the Quantum Midline
Introduction to the Primal Midline
Introduction to the Fluid Midline
Dural Tube anatomy & palpation
Pelvic dynamics: anatomy & motility
Augmenting Space at the Lumbosacral Junction
Vertebral Anatomy and Dynamics of the Lumbar, Thoracic, and Cervical Vertebrae
Augmenting Space between the Different Types of Vertebrae
Lumbosacral junction & Sacroiliac, Cervical, and Thoracic Clinical Issues
Demo of Dural Tube Perspective of Vertebral Column using Fascial Glide
Discussion of the shadow & the Breath of Life
Transferance and Countertransferance
Cultivation of Biodynamic Principles & The Breath of Life in Our Life and Work
Intraosseous occipital, temporal & sphenoid issues
Occipital triad: Occiput-atlas-axis
Introduction to CNS anatomy & motility
Brain, Blood, CSF/Ventricles, and Venous Sinuses
Muscles, tendons, and ligaments
Fascial glide
Stress Cascade
Neuroendocrine and Stress Response
HPA Axis
Nociception And the Stress Response
Polyvagal Triune Nervous System
Introduction to the Face
Hard Palate: spheno-vomer-maxilla patterns, nasal & palatine bones
Jugular Foramen: Anatomy
The Social Nervous System Introduction to the face & hard palate
Frontal bone-ethmoid bone
Inherent Treatment Plan: Rhythmic balanced interchange
Connective tissue fields/Fluid Field Matrix
Transverse Diaphragms: respiratory diaphragm, thoracic inlet
Extraspinal Bones & Joints: anatomy & dynamics orienting to mid-line
Principles Of Working With Organs: motility, embryology, & nociceptive loops
Heart and Lungs
Liver, Gallbladder, Spleen
Stomach, Small Intestine, Pancreas
Genitourinary Tract
Practice clinical info: Concussions, Headaches, Vertigo, Tinnitus, PTSD, Depression, Anxiety
Organ and visceral dynamics, how the gut affects everything and especially your brain
Conception Ignition
Heart Ignition
Umbilical Ignition
Babies and Moms: What to Know
Practice Management: Starting a practice, further ethical & legal considerations, continuing education, RCST application and maintenance, supervision
Review and Completion
Detailed Curriculum
Foundational Training Curriculum
As a BCST/NA-accredited/certified teacher and practitioner, I am bound by the Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Association of North America's code of ethics.
This is a young profession and the BCST/NA is an anchor to clarify this work to be taught in a coherent, consistent way.
This curriculum is based in Dr. Kate's clinical experience, professional studies, and teachers who are British Osteopaths: Michael Kern ( Author of Wisdom in The Body, and Katherine Ukleja. They have both been teaching and practicing for over 30+ years.
Introduction to the Breath of Life and Primary Respiration, Presence, Resources, Ritual of contact
The Holistic Shift & Tissue Motility
Reciprocal Tension Motions, Automatic Shifting & Inertial Fulcrums
Skills of Augmentation: Space and Fluid
Cranial Nerves: Especially Social Nervous System/ Vagus Nerve
Birth Processes & Cranial Base Patterns
Primal Mid-line, Pelvis & Vertebral Dynamics
Intraosseous Patterns, CNS Motility, Nociception & Facilitation
Dynamics of the Face, Hard Palate and TMJ
Connective tissue field, joint dynamics and introduction to organ and visceral dynamics, how the gut affects everything and especially your brain
Clinical Information: Concussions, Headaches, Vertigo, Tinnitus, PTSD, Depression, Anxiety
Ignition processes, completions, graduation, celebration!