Courses I Offer
Free Webinar
Perimenopause and Menopause Current Information
Saturday, April19th 10AM- 12PM
Intro / Module 1
Biodynamic Craniosacral Foundation Training
May 2nd,3rd,and 4th, 2025
Divine Structure School
108 Main Street
Charlemont, MA 01339This class can be taken online or in person
We will be in touch once you sign up with your email…
10AM - 6PM Each DayOnsite accommodations available upon request. Call Debby for information: 646-824-2102
Space is limited to 16 students!
Living Anatomy Class
For Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapists, Students, People, and Bodyworkers
This is prerecorded
You can start anytime
Learning from the webinar is based in meditation, kinesthetic lab, coloring book homework, quizzes, and lectures. Signup is for the full series. Teaching is based in Biodynamic craniosacral therapy principles and anatomy. This is required for all students that have no background in anatomy for the 2 year training. It can be taken before or during the 2 year biodynamic craniosacral therapy training. We are not offering continuing ed credits for students at this time due to NCBTMB restrictions.
Divine Structure Professional Foundational Two Year Training
Starts in Spring of 2026
This Training can be residential as we have accommodations onsite. Email Debby about that: debby@divinestructure.com. This is a perfect place for those who want to slow down and have an immersive experience in this beautiful work.
This two-year part time training consists of 12 modules: providing 48 days. Six of the modules are 3 days/ Friday/Saturday/Sunday; and six modules are 5 days/ Wednesday-Sunday. Dr. Kate and Alexa are the teachers. Kate has been in private practice treating patients with cranial work since 1988, and Alexa has been practicing massage therapy, yoga, polarity therapy, and craniosacral therapy since 1994. Dr. Kate completed her teacher training with author, practitioner, and teacher Cherionna Menzam - Sills. Kate is currently working on a book about clinical stories. Much of her teaching comes from clinical experience. Alexa is an experienced teacher who taught a form of Polarity Therapy called RYSE. She is finishing up her teacher training through the Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Association to North America.
" Franklyn Sills: the difference between biodynamic and classic osteopathic approach is that we are relational. We hold the relationship, and we hold the relational wounding in the field. We need relational skills in those territories"
Aside from the anatomy, tides, fulcrums, etc... this work is about co-creating a safe relational field in the classroom setting for all people present. To be a practitioner it requires those in the class to work with their shadow. It is common to have strong feelings be they negative or positive during this training. A huge part of this class has to do with learning to settle your own nervous system so that you can help others do that. Since it is a classroom setting rather than a clinical therapeutic setting it is not appropriate to expect the teacher, TA's, and other students to be the main source of healing around what comes up for you in relationship to the class. You are required to receive supervision during the class at least once a module. Getting support is very helpful. Supervision outside of class is an extra cost to the training that you should budget for during the training.
This is a professional training, we do our best to model a container for relational field safety. A certain level of self-reflection, maturity, flexibility, trust, kindness, empathy, and generosity is required to take this training. The training requires each student to be in stable psychological, and physical health.
Class attendance and supporting a safe relational field for all is the basis for graduation. Relational field safety for all present in the classroom includes TA's and teachers.
Course Title: Foundation Training: 12 Modules
Course Fee: Charge is $8000.00 for modules 2-12. Module 1/Intro course charge is $600.00
Vermont Residents can apply for this grant and get the training paid for: CLICK HERE If you are a Vermont resident to find out more about a “non-degree grant”
Training Location: In Person 108 Main Street, Charlemont, Massachusetts, or optional online for the 3 day classes only
Training Start Dates: February 2024
This training can be taken all in person or partly onlineSpace is limited to a max of 16 students
CE's available for LMT's for part of full training - please inquire
AM meditation
Checking in and questions
Long Session trade with partner
Group share and closing
There are also smaller group meetings each module to go over homework's, personal check ins, sharing, and asking questions.
The first class is module 1 as well as an intro class. The fee for that class is 600$ and must be paid in full.
Students can continue onto the full program after module 1 by filling out the application, and if accepted into the training pay for modules 2-12 as a full training charge of $8000.00
The charge for the training from module 2-12 is $8000. This can be billed as a lump sum, or billed as payments made each module.
Please notify the school as to your payment plan preferences.
The first payment is due 30 days before the training starts. Cash, checks, and Credit cards are accepted. (There is a 3% bookkeeping fee for Credit Cards.) Venmo payments have no fees.
I offer an optional discount for Black, and Indigenous People of Color, please contact me 413 345-6366 or by emailing me at drkatedivinestructure@gmail.com
Students are required to take all the modules to graduate. The 3 day modules are optional online or in person for those that live more than 200 miles away; and all the 5 day modules are required as in person modules.
There are six 3 day modules and six 5 day modules.
Mod 1/Intro Three day = February 9-11, 2024
Module 2/Five day = April 10-14, 2024
Module 3/ Three day = June 7-9, 2024
Module 4/ Five day = September 11-15, 2024
Module 5/ Three day = November 15-17, 2024
Module 6/ Five day = January 8-12, 2025
Module 7/ Three day = March 7-9, 2025
Module 8/ Five day = May 14-18, 2025
Module 9/ Three day = July 11-13, 2025
Module 10/ Five day = September 17-21, 2025
Module 11/Three day = November 7-9, 2025
Module 12/Five day = January 21- 25, 2026
We support the Black Lives Matter Movement.
Our country has not supported, and protected Indigenous, Black, and People of Color/IBPOC for over 400 years. We support healing for those that have suffered in our country. Our goal is to do the following to begin a lifelong process of repair:
1.) Teach the origin that our work comes from traditional American Indian bodywork. The work of indigenous Native American healing practices are the basis of Osteopathy, Chiropractic, and Cranial Osteopathy, and many other types of healing arts.
2.) Offer an optional discount to Indigenous, Black, and People of Color, to support having more BIPOC teachers and practitioners.
3.) Teach BIPOC inclusion in our curriculum.
4.) Include LGB/trans/queer imprints from heterosexism in our curriculum.
5.) Teach creating a safe relational field in the class.
6.) Use pronouns that people choose to identify with.
7.) Encourage people to make repair in class when they have hurt others feelings.
8.) Encouraging voices of BIPOC to be heard more in the biodynamic craniosacral community.
9.) Encouraging voices of LGBTQ voices to be heard more in the biodynamic craniosacral community.
A note about State requirements to practice...
Since this is a new profession there are no state licenses currently. In Massachusetts you can practice this work without another degree such as massage therapy.
New York
Craniosacral falls primarily under the massage therapy license. In other words, massage therapists have claimed it for themselves and are politically active in trying to make sure that other practitioners don't do it. Interestingly, it is not within the scope of practice of acupuncturists in NY (although we can do hands on therapy nonspecifically). Physical therapists, doctors, nurses, podiatrists, and chiropractors have an exemption that allows them to officially practice cranialsacral therapy. Ministers can touch therapeutically, but according to NYS law they can't practice craniosacral therapy. However many folks practice biodynamic craniosacral therapy in New York without fulfilling these guidelines which are poorly mandated.
Miscellaneous Info about licensing and practicing.
Each state has its own set of rules. You would have to check the state that you are interested in practicing in, if you do not already have a license such as massage therapy, chiropractic, physical therapy, etc...
You can contact the biodynamic craniosacral therapy association of North America: Judicial & Governmental Review Chair. He may be able to help you state by state... on how to find out what is required to practice BCST...