Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy
“Cranio Therapy… may benefit asthma, reoccurring ear infection in children, sleep disorders, and other conditions rooted in nervous system imbalances. I have found it to be safe and highly effective.”
Cranial work connects directly with the quantum physics of your body.
To be more specific, “quantum” theories deal with the smallest quantity or fundamental unit of radiant energy in a system. “Physics,” while perhaps understood most commonly as the class many of us had a hard time passing, is, put simply the science that deals with energy, motion and force. The human body is a receptacle and proprietor of our energy. As such, biodynamic craniosacral therapy works directly with the most basic energy in our bodies, our very life force.
Every cell in your body connects expresses a rhythmic subtle movement that is fundamental to life. All living things on our planet have this motion. This fact has been scientifically documented British scientist Ma Won Ho’s research. The sensitive hands of Dr. Kate are trained to palpate these subtle movements throughout the body.
From a more scientific perspective, this is the energy that directs each cell to do its job. Our cells make one big community of cells called “our body”. All living things have a breath like motion that has been measured as 50 seconds inhalation/expansion, and 50 seconds exhalation. Much like the tidal motions that are scientifically affected by the earth’s relationship to the moon, we have our own tidal motion that moves through all living things. This community of cells (our body) is imprinted by the specific situation of how we first started out in life. Cells then pass on their memory to new cells. Because the body is a living, changing organism, sometimes the information that is passed on at a cellular level needs to be updated. All therapies attempt to try to create different cellular experiences to update to the current time.
Physical trauma and emotional stress can cause one’s tissue to contract. Sometimes this tissue stays contracted. Over the years these traumas and stressors can build up in one’s tissues, giving rise to problems on many different levels.
Craniosacral therapy connects our cells to the intelligence that directs all living things. It reaches underneath our patterns (both psychological and biological) and connects them to the source of health that is much larger than our initial blueprints and our collective traumas. When we expand and deepen into this place that originates in the core of our being, a sense of wellness occurs. We get a glimpse of not having imprints and patterns. We get a glimpse of the beginning. Over time this awareness extends beyond our experiences and becomes bigger than our original imprints and patterns. We begin to heal, and not react so strongly to things that remind us of what we have endured. We become more resourced and less overwhelmed by our past experiences.
Craniosacral therapy changes your relationship with yourself. You begin to notice places where you have activation and reactivity, otherwise understood as our natural fight or flight response. It creates a millisecond of time where you see that you are not your trauma or reaction. This millisecond allows you to make a different choice rather than being a victim of circumstance. You start to learn ways to take better care of yourself, slow down, and not get pulled into a storyline that has previously caused a sense of discomfort, pain or, ultimately dis-ease.
Dr. Kate gently tracks the restriction in the body’s tissue via the craniosacral motion. Restoring this motion supports health and well being. Biodynamic work works with a larger understanding of the craniosacral field. Biodynamic therapists generally listen to three types of motion in the craniosacral system. A registered biodynamic craniosacral therapist graduate has completed a 700 hour course led by certified teachers. Dr. Kate’s teachers were British Osteopaths: Michael Kern (author of Wisdom In the Body) and Katherine Ukelja. Dr. Kate spent 10 years training as a certified teacher from the biodynamic craniosacral therapy association of North America. She now teaches full trainings. Most other types of craniosacral courses are 48-96 hours, and are not taught by Osteopaths or Chiropractors. Dr. Kate’s educational background as a Chiropractor deepens her work because of her clinical training in anatomy, pathology and health. Her clinical practice brings information about working in the real world to her classroom.
Here are some of the issues that biodynamic craniosacral therapy can help:
back pain
birth trauma
chronic fatigue
digestive issues
headaches & migraines
menstrual pain
post dental trauma
facial pain
vertigo & dizziness
visual disturbances
Did you know…
Mary Ellen Clark, Olympic winner in 1982, won also in 1996 in women’s platform diving after treatment with CranioSacral Therapy. She was suffering from severe vertigo. She tried many different traditional and complementary medical treatments simultaneously. Nothing helped. CranioSacral Therapy was the last resort she tried to get back to her career. After receiving a series of CST treatments, she went back on training and won a bronze medal in the 1996 Olympic Games.