Knarly Meniere's has good results with nutrition and cranial.

Lets talk about Meniere's
It is kind of a nightmare. Imagine that you cannot go anywhere as the world would spin like a top inside your head...
Symptoms of Meniere’s disease include:

  • vertigo (attacks can last anywhere from a few minutes to 24 hours)

  • loss of hearing in the affected ear

  • tinnitus (a sensation of ringing) in the affected ear

  • a feeling of fullness in the affected ear

  • loss of balance

  • headaches

  • nausea, vomiting, and sweating caused by severe vertigo

It is not fun. Western medicine does not have a cure, but there is a lot you can do. Look towards a combination of diet/nutrition through applied kinesiology,  craniosacral therapy, and gentle chiropractic.  Systemic inflammation manifests in people's body's in many different ways. Meniere's is one of the most  knarly ways.
Recently I had a lovely patient who was unable to go out in public because her Meniere's symptoms were so bad. We made huge dietary changes towards a paleo-mediterranean/ low inflammatory diet, and a methylation nutrition protocol. I supported her system in clearing toxins, repairing her gut, and feeding her cells good nutrition and supplements. She also continued on with biodynamic craniosacral therapy which was incredibly helpful. There was a lot going on with her, but she prevailed, and kept on with our work. It has not even been a year and she is doing much better.  Her husband drove her two and a half hours to get treatments. I have never met such kind spirits. There was stuff going on with her cerebellum, fourth ventricle, as well as a great need for settling. She is responding quite well, and understands that it was not going to be a quick fix pill situation. In the first few visits we worked on the floor as being up on the table was a bit too scary with the severe vertigo. Now for the first time she can lie down on the table!
I wanted to share this story because there is help for Meniere's. Never give up if you have this and have not had any relief. As a practitioner I stay present and orient to what arises nutritionally through applied kinesiology, as well as in the cranial territory of being with a person's system. I know I am a different sort of practitioner with the treatments that I combine. I am noticing in my practice that adding nutrition and supplements to my brain, nervous system, and mind body oriented practice of craniosacral therapy has vastly improved patient relief of various health concerns.
I truly love my work, and probably will never retire unless dealing with running a business becomes a complete killjoy. Patients like these are a gift, and they are who I was  put on earth to work with. I was also put on earth to teach as I have a different perspective on health that can be breath of fresh air for those that have not yet found their health. When you find your heart, you will find your health. Get your stinking thinking out of the way, open your heart, and listen. Each day you will learn something new. We need both science and intuition.
In Health, Dr Kate


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